This application is for all mini owner. Please read the rules to insure ensure the LXM family remains friendly and drama free.Here are the Rules:
1. No DRAMA allowed. This is and always will be a drama free area for us to have fun.2. Be respectful. Being disrespectful will not be tolerated.3. If you don't like a post or don't want to answer the commonly asked question, scroll past it. If you follow this one rule, we can all keep the drama out.4. If you have to ask yourself if your post will start drama, DON'T post it. Its that simple.
Your responsibility as a Mini owner is as follows:1- Have Fun & Drive Safely2- Wave at other Minis3- Take your Mini to meet other Minis, kinda like taking a dog to a dog park. They need socialization.4- Wave at other Minis5- Stickers = Horsepower6-Wave Dammit7- Find friends to help u mod your Mini8- Wave back would u!!!9- Be unique no two Minis should be alike10- And finally Wave Back or sell it and get a Fiat
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